From the website: mxdublin is a Java/Python framework that can be used to sequence generic events with pure-data or max. In short: very cool, an easier way of Max/MSP or PureData scripting for us who are more into lines of text than objects and lines. Basically they use Jython and ...
I found a very nice explanation of the tradeoffs when doing an FFT by Fred Marshall here. Look at the last post on the page.
Recently two screen shots appeared of the upcoming Leopard. Everyone is screaming fake, even the author sais so. But a solution like in the first picture would actually make complete sense. I mean, for OS X Apple has basically been making a nice layer that everything interfaces. ...
I recently bought a sensor cleaning kit with a blower and two brushes not very unlike the one featured here. Luminous Landscape has a great article on sensor cleaning that I followed. So here follow a few pictures ...