Mobile phone and smoke detector

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This is just the weirdest. Not three minutes ago my Norwegian mobile phone that I haven't had turned on since christmas suddenly turned itself on, and just a second thereafter my smoke alarm went bananas. I can smell no smoke, no smoke outside, no smoke in the entrance, not anywhere. What's going on? Normally I would just assume it malfunctioned, but my mobile phone turned itself on! It shouldn't be able to do that??

Mobile phone

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Wee... for those who think they are on a good mobile phone plan, I just had 4,02 kr back (about 50 US cent, a little less than an australian dollar) and got 5m30sec worth of phone time being very nervous that I should be interrupted and not being able to refill. Mobile phones are a lot more fun in Denmark than in Norway where I'd have payed about 20kr for the same call.

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